Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Summer Crossing

While my advisors are reading my thesis, and while sitting in the shade waiting for the rare event that an Atlanta bus would come my way, I read Summer Crossing yesterday. It is Capote's Great Gatsby-ish story of social class, youth and rebellion. My favorite quote? "It is very seldem that a person loves anyone they cannot in some way envy." Struck a cord that one, especially because of my tendency to admire these creative expressive (read: unavailable and highly unreliable) types.


Kit Stolz said...

Interesting quote, but I'm not sure I agree with Truman. What about people who love us back? Doesn't that take away the envy?

MALEBE said...

I don't know Kit, I don't have much experience with this =). In my experience love tends to be sort of imbalanced, at least at first.